Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 4: Modern vs. Traditional teaching aids.

Technology plays an important role in enhancing learning system. The time of blackboards with chalk and notice boards is going to change. The crucial factor in a teaching process is the quality of the lessons given by the teachers. Teachers therefore should use modern teaching aids.Modern teaching aids are used to make learning sessions interactive and motivating. Nowadays, classes are equipped with modern teaching aids such as Interactive Whiteboards, visualizer, response system, projectors and educational software etc. Teaching with modern teaching aids is essential in the technological age. Many subject topics can be taught better and in more depth with modern teaching aids. Teachers must use various types of modern teaching aids to connect with students. Modern teaching aids incorporate audio-visual techniques that influence the interest and memory of students.

Book as traditional teaching resources. DO YOU AGREE??
Books are an age old teaching resource. With technological progress, many modern teaching resources have surfaced but the popularity of books remains untouched. When one talks of education the image that props up in his or her mind is that of books rather than a personal computer or IWB.
Books are the age old knowledge imparting resources that every individual has in his or her mind. A child emerging on his or her educational journey first gets acquainted with books; having colored picture illustrations to catch as well as hold on to. Even today, elders are keen on getting their wards fall into the habit of reading books.
Modern technology has brought computers within our reach. Computers form a very important part of young students' education these days. But it may be important to note that it is still books that are used as resources for teaching any subject at any level. Therefore we may conclude that books, till now, are the primary teaching resources.