Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week 7

Now, since we’re already in second half of this semester which I think its time for me to focus more on the tasks so I came to class… bring along my dearest laptop with me tried my best to use the given 3hours to work on module 1 which was given to us earlier. Nothing much to say but the task is basically about basic skills of using technology skills. Though we may found it simple but there’s lot more waiting us in the box.

Just be positive with every tiny little thing given to us, there must be purposeful and useful for our own benefits because the next generation of future teacher is not coming to class just for the sake of teaching but they’ll ensure the knowledge transfer and interactive teaching and learning is happening as well.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 6

Empowering 21st century educator.
In order for children to be prepared for the 21st century, educators have to understand what it takes to create an environment that supports teaching and learning new media literacy.

We all know how much technology has fundamentally changed the way we communicate, interact, and work. So it should be no surprise that our students engage more deeply in learning activities when teachers deliver content using interactive learning technologies. Furthermore, it is not surprising that when teachers consistently embrace together digital content and interactive learning activities that student engagement and achievement grows. It is what students expect today in this new millennium.

The 21st century teacher needs to be a digital native. While older teachers will inevitably be digital immigrants, at the very least they must be willing to adapt and change. Modern living in the 21st century is internet based. We get our information direct from the source. Knowing how to manage digital software, Twitter and all the other electronic gadgets at our disposal and as yet undreamed of is an important skill for any 21st century teacher to have.
Using technology in classroom would be a meaningful tool in teaching and learning techniques in this era of technology as it could provide and bring the whole world into the classroom. The job of a teacher is not limited to the process of delivering and sharing knowledge in the classroom. We are actually given greater responsibilities in shaping and creating the value of the people of tomorrow; the people who view this world as a stage to learn and to perform their talent and skills based on what has been taught throughout their schooling years.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 5

Utilizing technology-based teaching aids in classroom instruction

Teaching aid, as its name suggests, is a kind of aids which support the teaching and learning activities of teachers and students.
To put it more specific, a teaching aid is a tool used by teachers, facilitators, or tutors to:

- help learners improve reading and other skills
- illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact, or idea
- relieve anxiety, fears, or boredom, since many teaching aids are like games

In short, teaching aids are the useful materials and equipment which help create motivation for teaching and learning environment.
Utilizing modern teaching aids successfully will create the best platform for learning and teaching. Teachers are using multimedia content with audio and video into their lessons. The teacher has to be sure to identify the main points of the contents so that children can absorb the knowledge. In doing so teacher might probably wanted to bring a chart or draw a neat diagram on the board, but effective learning still misses out.

One thing we need to bear in mind is the fact that a multimedia content gives the student a better learning experience as they can watch the actual phenomena and processes. With Interactive Whiteboards for instance teachers can annotate on their content and save it in computer files that can’t be done through traditional boards.
Time has come to integrate modern teaching aids into the classroom for effective learning and teaching. So yeah... be creative!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 4: Modern vs. Traditional teaching aids.

Technology plays an important role in enhancing learning system. The time of blackboards with chalk and notice boards is going to change. The crucial factor in a teaching process is the quality of the lessons given by the teachers. Teachers therefore should use modern teaching aids.Modern teaching aids are used to make learning sessions interactive and motivating. Nowadays, classes are equipped with modern teaching aids such as Interactive Whiteboards, visualizer, response system, projectors and educational software etc. Teaching with modern teaching aids is essential in the technological age. Many subject topics can be taught better and in more depth with modern teaching aids. Teachers must use various types of modern teaching aids to connect with students. Modern teaching aids incorporate audio-visual techniques that influence the interest and memory of students.

Book as traditional teaching resources. DO YOU AGREE??
Books are an age old teaching resource. With technological progress, many modern teaching resources have surfaced but the popularity of books remains untouched. When one talks of education the image that props up in his or her mind is that of books rather than a personal computer or IWB.
Books are the age old knowledge imparting resources that every individual has in his or her mind. A child emerging on his or her educational journey first gets acquainted with books; having colored picture illustrations to catch as well as hold on to. Even today, elders are keen on getting their wards fall into the habit of reading books.
Modern technology has brought computers within our reach. Computers form a very important part of young students' education these days. But it may be important to note that it is still books that are used as resources for teaching any subject at any level. Therefore we may conclude that books, till now, are the primary teaching resources.